Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Water Conservation Media 1

Hello everyone, we are class 13 Media and Promotion task force.
Some important facts we found about our world we want to tell you:
70% of the world's surface is covered by water, 97.5% of that is salt water.
Only 2.5% of that is freshwater, almost 68.7% is frozen in ice caps and glaciers.
Only 1% of the total water resources on earth are available for human use.

Today we found  two articles and we're going to tell you about one of them. This article is our second article and it's about "Water and Health." which is about conserving water.
We hope you'll look at this blog and the article and then use these tips in your homes. This article's about how water pollution is severe and also how to save water which is our main topic goal.

Here's where we found it:
 Author: The water project
 Title: Water and Health

Water Conservation Media 2

Hello everyone!
In this post we are going to introduce our 1st article. The title is 5 reasons why water conservation is important for your family. It has great information and comes from It was written by Matthew Speer on September 12, 2012. This article is about the reasons we have to save water.

After you read it tell us what you think about it.

Thank You!

Monday, August 1, 2016

art and design task force

Max Yoo (Yoo Jae Sang), Harrison Ki (Hyeon Seo Ki), Justin Lee (Lee Ye Jun), Seo eun  Choi, David Choi (Haejine Choi)
Details coming soon...

the campaign performance task force

Jeong Hyun Min Kevin, Lee Yoon Jun Dylan, Jung Youn Lee J.Y, Sarah Ryu,  Choi Su An, Clara 
Hello everyone, this is the performance task force in the class 13 campaign for 'water conservation'

Monday, July 25, 2016

Welcome to Global Awareness

Are you ready to have fun and start sharing with the world a topic you think needs attention? Here is your chance to make a difference and create a Global Awareness Campaign to share what you think is important in the world today.

Stop Global Warming!No pollution is the solution!  Reduce. Reuse. Recycle. Watch your waste!Stop smoking.Don’t Drink and Drive, Arrive Alive.Just say NO to Bullying. 

The above are of some examples of possible Global Awareness Campaign topics.  With your class, you will choose from a list of topics your teacher presents to you. After you have 3 possible topics you will break into 3 groups to make a "pitch" for that topic.  Tell us why your class should have a chance to create a campaign to raise awareness about the topic.  Why is the topic important to you and how will you raise awareness about it?

On Thursday evening, all classes in Global Awareness will attend an event called "GLPS has got talent!" where your class will pitch your 3 topics to a group of judges.  The class that does the best job convincing the judges that they are the best class to raise awareness for their topic will win the topic and get to do it for their Global Awareness Campaign.

Remember, you only have "one minute to win it" so work on creating a pitch that is persuasive and convincing in only 1 minute. 

Ready, set, go!

Remember to work as a TEAM and create a pitch for your topics.